PSSI akan memanfaatkan kedatangan Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter ke Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) guna menyukseskan rencana Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022. Blatter akan diupayakan bisa bertemu bertemu Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Ketua Umum PSSI Nurdin Halid sesaat sebelum meninggalkan Tanah Air menju Amerika Latin, Rabu (2/9) mengatakan, langkah itu sama seperti yang dilakukannya saat Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah Piala Asia 2007. Saat itu, PSSI juga mempertemukan Presiden AFC Mohammed bin Hammam dengan Presiden SBY.

“Secara prinsip kami sudah mendapat restu dari pemerintah. Untuk itu, saat Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter ke Indonesia, setelah Idul Fitri nanti, kami akan berupaya mempertemukannya dengan Presiden SBY. Untuk itu, kami akan melakukan komunikasi secara rutin dengan pihak istana dan juga FIFA,” ujar Nurdin.

Menurut rencana, Blatter akan ke NAD untuk meninjau stadion yang dibangun dari bantuan FIFA untuk korban tsunami. Nurdin menambahkan, dirinya tetap optimistis bisa menggolkan mimpi Indonesia untuk menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022.

Menurutnya, rasa pesimistis masyarakat merupakan hal yang wajar mengingat kondisi Indonesia yang kini tengah mengalami krisis.

“Pesimistis boleh saja. Tetapi, bukan berarti kita tidak bisa hidup dinamis. Soal dukungan pemerintah yang hingga kini belum terlalu maksimal, saya percaya itu akan datang dengan sendirinya apalagi setelah Blatter jadi bertemu dengan Presiden SBY,” imbuhnya.

Presiden FIFA & AFC kunjungi Aceh

Erika Riswanti - detikSport

Jakarta - Dalam rangka meninjau kembali pembangunan berbagai infrastruktur sepakbola yang hancur akibat tsunami, Presiden FIFA Joseph Sepp Blatter didampingi Presiden Konfederasi Sepakbola Asia (AFC) Mohammed bin Hammam akan mengunjungi Aceh.

Keberadaan Sepp Blatter dan Hammam di ibukota Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) ini berkaitan dengan program bantuan dana FIFA dan dijembatani oleh AFC. Blatter dan Hammam tampaknya berkeinginan melihat langsung sudah sejauh mana kemajuan dari pembangunan atau renovasi dari sejumlah stadion yang sebelumnya rusak atau bahkan hancur lebur dihantam gelombang tsunami, 25 Desember 2004.

Menurut rencana, di seluruh NAD FIFA akan membiayai pembangunan atau renovasi dari sepuluh stadion, yang lima di antaranya berada di Banda Aceh. Menurut keterangan Wakil Sekjen PSSI Kaharuddin Syah, Sepp Blatter dan Hammam dijadwalkan berada di Banda Aceh selama sekitar tiga sampai empat jam pada 4 April mendatang.

"Blatter memakai pesawat pribadi dari Srilanka dan diperkirakan tiba di bandara Sutan Iskandar Muda sekitar pukul 12.00 WIB," jelas Kaharuddin.

Srilanka merupakan salah satu negara Asia yang juga dihantam gelombang pasang tsunami pada 25 Desember 2004 itu, disamping Indonesia dan Thailand. Oleh karena itu, setelah dari Banda Aceh, Sepp Blatter dan Hammam akan bertolak ke Thailand.

"Dari pembicaraan saya dengan perwakilan FIFA di Kuala Lumpur, Windsor John, jadwal Sepp Blatter memang sangat padat. Oleh karena itu jauh-jauh hari saya sudah mencoba menyusun jadwal acara selama kehadian dia di Banda Aceh itu," tambah Kahar.

Rencananya dua petinggi federasi sepakbola ini akan dijamu makan siang di Guest House Kantor Gubernur Aceh. Setelah itu dilanjutkan akan melihat pembagunan stadion Lampineung dan Lambhuk, keduanya di Banda Aceh.

Dari keterangan Kahar, untuk pembangunan atau renovasi dari lima stadion yang berada di Banda Aceh itu, dana yang digelontorkan FIFA diperkirakan bisa mencapai Rp 12 miliar. Untuk menghindari kebocoran, aliran dana langsung dikucurkan dari kantor pusat FIFA di Zurich, Swiss, setelah ada permintaan dari kontraktor pembangunan stadion-stadion itu.

"Prosesnya begitu, permintaan dana dari kontraktor itu harus lebih dulu mendapat persetujuan dari kantor perwakilan FIFA untuk Asia di Kuala Lumpur, dan dari situ baru diteruskan ke FIFA," ujar kahar.

Dalam taksiran Kahar, total dana bantuan yang akan dikucurkan FIFA untuk pembangunan dana ini mencapai Rp 30 miliar. Jumlah itu sudah termasuk anggaran untuk pembelian produk-produk yang juga sudah disampaikan ke warga NAD yang menjadi korban tsunami, yang antaranya adalah bola dan seragam sepakbola.

"FIFA dan AFC juga membiayai berbagai kursus serta penataran untuk wasit dan para pelatih sepakbola se-NAD," tandas Kahar.

Sepp Blatter memuji Indonesia terkait dengan pencalonan tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022

Presiden FIFA Joseph Sepp Blatter memuji Indonesia

Blatter dalam pidatonya saat workshop bagi negara-negara peserta "bidding" di markas FIFA di Zurich, Swiss pada 24-26 Agustus bahkan menyebutkan Indonesia dijadikan sebagai percontohan negara yang paling serius dalam pencalonan tuan rumah event sepakbola terakbar di dunia ini.

"Mempersiapkan Piala Dunia yang masih lama berlangsung, Indonesia bisa jadi contoh. Sebuah negara yang besar memiliki 230 juta penduduk dan fanatik terhadap sepakbola, serius mempersiapkan diri menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022. Ini sungguh fantastis!," kata Blatter seperti ditirukan Hamka B Kadi di Jakarta, Sabtu (29/8).

Hamka yang di PSSI menjabat sebagai Deputi Sekjen Bidang Organisasi, Hukum dan Kelembagaan, turut serta dalam workshop tersebut untuk mencermati bidang administrasi. Delegasi Indonesia beranggotakan Sjarif Bastaman (legal), Joko Driyono (manajemen pertandingan) dan Syauki Suratno (marketing).

Hal positif lain yang disampaikan FIFA, Indonesia adalah satu-satunya dari 11 negara peserta "bidding" yang paling intens berkomunikasi dengan FIFA selama hampir 8 bulan proses pencalonan berlangsung.


JAKARTA, - Bom beruntun yang meledak di kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Jumat (17/7), membuat citra Indonesia di mata dunia hancur. Ini memberikan dampak yang negatif bagi Indonesia yang ingin menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022.

Hal itu dikatakan oleh Ketua Umum PSSI Pusat, Nurdin Halid. Menurutnya, bom yang meledak di Hotel Ritz Carlton dan JW Marriott, akan membuat peluang Indonesia jadi tuan rumah turnamen sepak bola paling bergengsi di dunia tersebut hampir pasti tertutup.

"Saya sedih. Hampir buyar harapan kita menjadi tuan rumah," ungkap Nurdin, Jumat (17/7).

Menyusul tragedi tersebut, saat ini dua negara sudah mengeluarkan travel warning, yaitu AS dan Inggris. Hal itu (travel warning,red) menjadi salah satu faktor yang menentukan Indonesia bisa jadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia dari segi faktor keamanan.

Bertautan dengan travel warning, pada 14 Desember 2009 hingga 14 April 2010 merupakan masa kritis bagi PSSI. Pasalnya, dalam kurun waktu tersebut FIFA akan meninjau seluruh aspek yang berkaitan dengan Piala Dunia.

Nah, bulan April 2010 menjadi saat yang menentukan apakah Indonesia bisa lolos voting Piala Dunia 2022. Seandainya Inggris tidak segera mencabut travel warning antara Desember 2009 sampai April 2010, maka sudah pasti Indonesia tersingkir dari bursa calon tuan rumah.

Padahal pada kongres FIFA di Bahama, Nurdin Halid telah melakukan presentasi draft kesiapan Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022. Menurutnya, saat itu draft telah didukung oleh beberapa tokoh, seperti Franz Beckenbauer dan mantan presiden FIFA Joao Havelange.

"Beckenbauer mendukung 100 persen, termasuk Joao Havelange," ungkapnya.

Barack Obama issues support for USA 2018 World Cup bid

Barack Obama has written to the Fifa president, Sepp Blatter, to signal his support for the United States' hosting of either the 2018 or 2022 World Cup. In the letter Obama also recalls his early ties to football during his time spent as a child in Indonesia.

"As a child, I played soccer on a dirt road in Jakarta, and the game brought the children of my neighbourhood together," the president wrote. "As a father, I saw that same spirit of unity alive on the fields and sidelines of my own daughters' soccer games in Chicago."

Obama has previously backed the 2016 Olympic bid of his home town Chicago, and his latest pitch is in an effort to bring the World Cup back to the USA, who previously staged the 1994 tournament. England are one of the other countries hoping to host the 2018 World Cup.

"Soccer is truly the world's sport, and the World Cup promotes camaraderie and friendly competition across the globe," Obama wrote. "That is why this bid is about much more than a game. It is about the United States of America inviting the world to gather all across our great country in celebration of our common hopes and dreams."

Fifa will make their decision for the 2018 and 2022 finals in December 2010.

"The support of the President, who is extraordinarily popular around the world, is a huge plus," US Soccer Federation president Sunil Gulati told the New York Times.

source :

World Cup 2022 bid no joke, insists Indonesia

Indonesia's football federation insists its surprise interest in hosting the 2022 World Cup finals is a serious bid, not a novelty.

Despite its lack of success on the field, the world's most populous Muslim nation would be an ideal host and a serious rival to world football's heavyweights, said Nugraha Besoes, general secretary of the country's football federation.

"This bid is no joke, we've been planning it for a long time - this is a serious bid," Besoes told Reuters in an interview on the sidelines of the Asian Football Confederation's annual congress.

"Everyone is crazy about football in Indonesia. People will come to all the games and we have what it takes to host the tournament. This bid will open everyone's eyes to Indonesia."

Indonesia have only reached the World Cup finals on one occasion, as the Dutch East Indies in 1938, and Besoes admitted raising the level of the national team was a top priority.

"Our team lacks discipline and needs to perform well - this is our main focus," he said.

"We have to greatly improve our grassroots development, we have to become one of Asia's best teams and we have 12 years to work on that."

He said dozens of Indonesian players of less than 14 years of age were based permanently in Uruguay to expose them to a higher level of play, and hundreds more would be sent in future.

Besoes gave no projection for the funding needed to host the finals but said the bid had received guarantees from investors and the government.

He said Indonesia had gained valuable experience as a co-host of the 2007 Asian Cup when packed stadiums and fights for match tickets showed there was massive support among the country's 226 million people.

"There have been some negative signals from outside Indonesia about this bid, doubting we can be hosts, but people are crazy about football here," he said.

Australia, England, Japan, Mexico, Russia and the United States have bid for both the 2018 and 2022 tournaments, along with two joint proposals from Belgium and the Netherlands and Spain and Portugal.

South Korea, Indonesia and Qatar have confirmed their interest in hosting the 2022 finals.

The Indonesian bid pledges seven new stadiums and major upgrades to five existing venues, with matches held in 11 different cities across the sprawling archipelago, including in Banda Aceh, a region once roiled by decades of conflict.

Besoes sought to allay security concerns and said the government had taken great strides to prevent the bombings which rocked Jakarta and the resort island of Bali in recent years.

"We are not seeing anything like we did before," he added. "There's no more terrorism here, things are now back to normal."

Besoes said South Africa's successful bid for the 2010 finals showed that countries with limited on-field success were capable of hosting the World Cup.

"If South Africa can do it, why can't we?" he said. "We have the fifth-biggest population in the world, a love of football and a beautiful country - why can't it be us?

source :

Menuju PD 2022 dengan Grassroot Visi 2020

Jakarta - PSSI serius dengan rencana menjadikan Indonesia host Piala Dunia 2022. Lewat Grassroot Visi 2020, PSSI membuat akademi pembinaan sepakbola usia muda sebagai gerbang menggelar PD 2022.

Seperti sudah ramai diberitakan sebelumnya, Indonesia telah mengajukan proposal pada FIFA untuk menjadi salah satu kandidat tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022. Dan upaya tersebut diseriusi PSSI serta pemerintah menyusul diresmikannya Grassroot Visi 2020 Akademi Sepakbola Indonesia yang bekerkasama dengan 18.368 seskolah sepakbola di Indonesia.

Acara peresmian Grassroot Visi 2020 itu dilaksanakan di Lapangan ABC, Senayan, Sabtu(18/4/2009) siang WIB, serta dihadiri wakil presiden RI Jusuf Kalla, Menegpora Adhyaksa Dault, Ketua Umum PSSI Nurdin Halid dan para petinggi PSSI. Acara itu resmi dibuka oleh Nurdin pada pukul 15.00 WIB sementara untuk peluncuran akademi sepakbola tersebut diresmikan langsung oleh Jusuf Kalla.

"Hari ini kita menanamkan suatu sikap, bahwa sepak bola yang dibina saat ini bisa berjaya di masa mendatang. Sepak bola menjadi sebuah olahraga yang populer. Saya yakin tim Indonesia 13 tahun akan datang bisa melaju ke Piala Dunia 2022,” tegas JK.

Pria yang juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Umum Partai Golkar tersebut sebelumnya memang mendukung keinginan PSSI untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022. Saat itu dia dengan optimis menyebut kalau dengan durasi persiapan selama 13 tahun, maka Indonesia masih punya cukup banyak waktu mempersiapkan diri.

Peresmian tersebut ditandai dengan penandatanganan kesepakatan antara PSSI melalui ketua umumnya, Nurdin Halid dan ProArena Futsal sebagai mitra kerja PSSI dalam pembinaan usia muda. Dan puncaknya, JK pun melepaskan balon ke udara sebaga tanda dibukanya akademi sepakbola tersebut serta Liga Pendidikan Indonesia yang bekerja sama dengan 18.368 SSB di seluruh Indonesia.

sumber : Mohammad Resha Pratama - detiksport


Untuk menjadi Host event akbar Piala Dunia, bukan hal yang mudah bagi setiap negara yang berminat mengajukan proposal, syarat tersebut di antaranya :

1) Stadiums
10 stadion dengan kapasitas 40.000 penonton (group match),dan 2 stadion dengan kapasitas 80.000
penonton (opening match dan final match)
2) Facilities : Very highest standard
3) Accommodations : Very highest standard
4) Infrastructure : Very highest standard (khususnya TV Broadcasting, IT, transport)
5) Positive Change
peserta bidding memasukkan suatu ‘positive change’ dalam proposal PIALA DUNIA yang tersirat
dalam filosofi FIFA.
6) Confederation Cup : Tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2022 harus mampu Menyelenggarakan Piala Konfederasi FIFA tahun 2021.

untuk kelima syarat hampir pasti setiap negara mampu memenuhinya karena apabila di tunjuk menjadi tuan rumah, kecuali positive change, karena hal tersebut merupakan ciri khas yang dapat di jadikan value added bagi sebuah negara

For the Game, for the World, For the Planet Safety yang terangkum dalam road to green world cup 2022 merupakan positive change yang di tawarkan oleh Indonesia kepada FIFA, hal ini di dasari pada kenyataan Setiap negara di dunia saat ini menghadapi risiko-risiko akibat TIGA KRISIS BESAR abad 21, yaitu (1) global warming, (2) energy crisis, dan (3) food-crisis, yang mengancam survival, daya saing negara dan ekosistem global abad 21.

Bagi Indonesia, hal tersebut bukan hanya omongan belaka, namun telah dan akan di wujudkan melalui langkah dan karya nyata baik di lingkungan domestik maupun luar negeri, usaha-usaha tersebut di antaranya;
  1. Forest Day ke-2 bulan Desember 2008 di Polandia memfasilitasi diskusi-diskusi tentang fungsi hutan untuk meredam pemanasan global dan penyesuaian kebijakan dan program kerja bidang kehutanan baik pada level global maupun level per negara.
  2. Forest Day-2 skala dunia itu adalah respons positif dari Forest Day ke-1 di Bali,Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI), pada 8 Desember tahun 2007. Seperti halnya Forest Day di Bali, Forest Day ke-2 juga dihadiri oleh 900 partisipan yangmewakili stakeholders kehutanan, akademisi, dan para pembuat keputusanpemerintahan dari seluruh dunia. Agenda utamanya ialah peran hutan meredampemanasan global. (Earth Negotiations Bulletin, 1/12/2008).
  3. PIALA DUNIA 2022 adalah momentum untuk menindak-lanjuti gagasan-gagasan danrekomendasi dari forum Forest Day I dan Forest Day II tersebut di atas melalui duaprogram : ‘Green Belt Zone’ dan penerapan model ‘Clean Development Mechanism’ disektor-sektor energi, investasi, fasilitas, akomodasi, infrastruktur, dan desain event dan torunament Piala Dunia 2022.
  4. 13 Green Belt Zones
  5. - Program : Menanam tanaman/pohon yang (i) kayunya mahal, (ii) jenis kayu dilindungi, dan (iii) kayu langka pada zona dengan radius sejauh 2-5 km dari lokasi stadion.
  6. - Manfaat : (a) udara bersih, (b) bebas polusi, (c) fungsi cool, (d) serap air, (e) menahan laju angin, (f) keragaman hayati, (g) menciptakan suasana, cuaca, dan iklim berbeda bagi para perserta World Cup 2022, dan (h) keindahan.
  7. Implementasi Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
  • - Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) adalah salah satu langkah maju guna meredam krisis energi, kerusakan lingkungan, dan pemanasan global. Misalnya,proyek-proyek geothermal power dan tenaga pembangkit dari angin menjadi proyek berprospek menghemat energi dan preservasi onion-onion di seluruh dunia.
  • - Pada tahun 2008, CDM menurut Kyoto-Protokol—perjanjian pengurangan emisi karbon versi PBB—menunjukkan bahwa sedikitnya 4.200 proyek siap untuk mengelola proyek-proyek CDM yang efisien energi di seluruh dunia. Proyek-proyek CDM tidak hanya mengurangi emisi gas greenhouse, tetapi juga melipat-gandakan pendapatan petani.
  • Di zona Asia Pasifik, hampir terdapat 3.250 daftar proyek CDM dengan nilai sekitar 9,5miliar dollar AS. Dari jumlah itu, sedikitnya 6,5 miliar dollar AS proyek CDM terdaftar diRRC. Secara umum, proyek-proyek CDM berupa renewables—sumber-sumber energi yang dapat diperbarui—sangat mendominasi proyek-proyek CDM di Asia Pasifik dengan prosentase sekitar 70%. Zona Asia Pasifik juga didominasi oleh proyek-proyek efisiensienergi CDM sebesar 18%. Sedangkan proyek-proyek untuk mengurangi emisi hydrochloroflurocarbons (HFCs) dan oksida-oksida nitrogen berkisar dua persen dari total proyek CDM pada Asia Pasifik tahun 2008. Total proyek CDM di NKRI dengan total proyek CDM berkisar 100 CDM, termasuk geothermal. (Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson/Head of Media, 2008).
  • PIALA DUNIA 2022 adalah MOMENTUM untuk menerapkan model-model CDM yang menghasilkan banyak benefit pembangunan, lingkungan, dan ekonomi., dan menghasilkan aliran dana dari zona ekonomi negara-negara industri maju di Utara dunia dan zona ekonomi negara-negara berkembang di Selatan dunia dengan perputaran dana sekitar 30 miliar dollar AS hingga tahun 2012.
  • Implementasi CDM pada PIALA DUNIA 2020 dapat mengurangi ancaman dan risiko pemanasan global, dan menghasilkan manfaat dan benefit ekonomi bagi rakyat dan pemerintah setiap negara, termasuk Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
  • Melalui program CDM, negara-negara industri maju dapat melakukan investasi-investasipada proyek-proyek yang mengurangi emisi-emisi gas karbon di negara-negaraberkembang, termasuk Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

so dengan demikian indonesia berharap apabila menjadi Host Piala Dunia 2022, masyarakat dunia dapat menikmati laga seru tim-tim yang bertanding sembari mempunyai kesadaran tinggi akan lingkungan sekitarnya sebagai visi piala dunia indonesia 2022 :For the Game, for the World, For the Planet Safety

Perencanaan & Usulan Stadion


kota : Surabaya, Jawa Timur
panjang 281,51 meter
lebar 203,67 meter
tinggi 43,22 meter
Kapasitasnya 55 ribu penonton
stadion indoor mampu menampung 10 ribu penonton

pemerintah Kota Surabaya akan membangun Pusat Olahraga yang diberi nama Gelora Bung Tomo ( GBT ). Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo terletak di kelurahan Pakal - Benowo - Surabaya Barat.

Mega proyek Surabaya Sport Center ini menelan biaya Rp.440.295.000.000 dan sebagai pemenang tender yakni PT Adhikarya.

Pembangunan Gelora Bung Tomo terdiri dari 3 tahapan :
a. Tahap I dilaksanakan pada Desember 2007 hingga Desember 2008 yang melingkupi pengerukan tanah, pembangunan pondasi.
b. Tahap II dilaksanakan pada Januari hingga Maret 2009 yang melingkupi pengerjaan stadion utama, stadion indoor, dan masjid.
c. Tahap III dilaksanakan pada Maret hingga Desember 2009 yang melingkupi penyelesaian seluruh pengerjaan stadion utama dan sarana penunjang yang ada.



kota : Pekanbaru, Riau
Lampu :
Panjang setel band:
Panjang Lapangan :
Lebar Lapangan :
Kapasitas : 40.000
Selesai : 2012

Stadion ini terletak di kawasan kompleks Universitas Riau, dianggarkan sekitar 1,2 Triliun, dan di proyeksikan sebagai Pembukaan dan Penutupan Pekan Olah Raga Nasional (PON) XVIII 2012

kota : Bandung, Jawa Barat
Lampu :
Panjang setel band:
Panjang Lapangan :
Lebar Lapangan :
Kapasitas : 50.000
Selesai : 2011-2012

Stadion modern yang di proyeksikan untuk kesebelasan kebanggaan kota Bandung PERSIB di masa mendatang...


kota : Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta
Lampu :
Panjang setel band:
Panjang Lapangan :
Lebar Lapangan :
Kapasitas : 50.000
Selesai : 2011-2012

Stadion yang di rencanakan di atas area Taman BMW (bersih manusiawi berwibawa) kawasan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta di proyeksikan menjadi stadion Internasional, dan gambar di samping merupakan pemenang sayembara tahap pertama maket & desain stadion BMW


kota : Bogor, Jawa Barat
Lampu :
Panjang setel band:
Panjang Lapangan :
Lebar Lapangan :
Kapasitas : 40.000
Selesai : 2011-2012


selain stadion existing seperti Gelora Bung Karno, Sriwijaya, Palaran, dan stadion dalam tahap perencanaan, dan juga beberapa stadion yang di usulkan dan di targetkan dapat selesai di bangun 2015, apabila Indonesia di tunjuk sebagai Host Piala Dunia 2022, stadion tersebut adalah

  • Makasar, Sulawesi Selatan berkapasitas 50.000 penonton
  • Gianyar, Bali Berkapasitas berkapasitas 50.000 penonton
  • Tangerang, Banten berkapasitas 50.000 penonton
  • Medan, Sumatera Utara berkapasitas 50.000 penonton
  • Jogyakarta, DIY berkapasitas 50.000 penonton

Stadion Utama Palaran

Lokasi : Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
Lampu :
Panjang setel band:
Panjang Lapangan :
Lebar Lapangan :
Kapasitas : 50.000

Stadion Utama Palaran diproyeksikan untuk acara pembukaan dan penutupan PON XVII 2008 Kalimantan Timur. Stadion ini merupakan stadion pertama di Indonesia yang seluruh tempat duduknya memakai kursi penonton. stadion ini terbilang canggih. Rumputnya saja sudah memenuhi standar federasi sepakbola internasional (FIFA). Rumput itu bukan sembarang rumput tetapi rumput jenis Zoysia Matrella (Linn) Merr, rumput kelas satu standar FIFA.

Gelora Sriwijaya

Lokasi : Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
Lampu :
Panjang setel band:
Panjang Lapangan :
Lebar Lapangan :
Kapasitas : 40.000

Stadion Gelora Sriwijaya Jakabaring Palembang atau Stadion Jakabaring merupakan sebuah stadion multiguna yang terletak di Palembang, Indonesia. Stadion ini juga diakui sebagai salah satu stadion terbaik yang bertaraf internasional. Stadion dengan luas lahan sekitar 40 hektar ini dapat memuat hingga 36.000 - 40.000 orang dengan 4 tribun (A, B, C dan D) bertingkat mengelilingi lapangan. Tribun utama di sisi barat dan timur (A dan B) dilindungi atap yang ditopang 2 pelengkung (arch) baja berukuran raksasa. Bentuk atap stadion merupakan simbol kejayaan kemaharajaan Sriwijaya di bidang maritim yang dilambangkan oleh bentuk perahu dengan layar terkembang. Stadion ini beralamat di Jalan Gubernur H. A. Bastari, Jakabaring, Palembang.

Stadion yang mulai bangun pada tahun 2001 ini ditujukan untuk menyelenggarakan PON XVI ketika kota Palembang ditunjuk sebagai penyelenggara pada tahun 2004. Stadion ini diberi nama berdasarkan kemaharajaan maritim Sriwijaya yang berpusat di Palembang dan berhasil mempersatukan wilayah barat Nusantara pada abad 7 sampai dengan abad 12. Selain itu stadion ini juga merupakan markas dari klub sepak bola Indonesia, Sriwijaya FC. Stadion ini dipakai sebagai salah satu stadion yang menyelenggarakan pertandingan dalam Piala Asia 2007 sebagai pendamping Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno pada hari pertandingan ke-tiga dan juga perebutan tempat ke-tiga.

Sumber :

Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno

Lokasi : Jakarta
Lampu: 1.200 luks
Panjang sentel ban: 800 meter
Panjang lapangan: 110 meter
Lebar lapangan: 60 meter
Kapasitas : 88.000-100.000

Gelanggang Olahraga (Gelora) Bung Karno adalah sebuah kompleks olahraga serbaguna di Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia. Kompleks olahraga ini dinamai untuk menghormati Soekarno, Presiden pertama Indonesia, yang juga merupakan tokoh yang mencetuskan gagasan pembangunan kompleks olahraga ini. Dengan kapasitas sekitar 100.000 orang, stadion yang mulai dibangun pada pertengahan tahun 1958 dan penyelesaian fase pertama-nya pada kuartal ketiga 1962 ini merupakan salah satu yang terbesar di dunia. Menjelang Piala Asia 2007, dilakukan renovasi pada stadion yang mengurangi kapasitas stadion menjadi 88.083 penonton.

Beberapa Event besar berskala Internasional dan Nasional terselenggara di stadion ini, diantaranya Asian Games 1962, GANEFO 1964, PON, SEA GAMES beberapa kali, Piala Kemerdekaan, LG Cup, dan Piala Asia 2007

sumber :

Cesar Besut Timnas SEA Games

Badan Tim Nasional (BTN) PSSI menetapkan pelatih tim SAD Indonesia yang saat ini tampil di kompetisi U-17 Uruguay, Cesar Payovich Perez (foto), akan membesut timnas Indonesia proyeksi SEA Games Laos 2009, yang dalam waktu dekat akan segera menggelar persiapan.

Menurut ketua BTN Rahim Soekasah ketika dihubungi, Rabu (19/2), para pemain timnas yang akan diturunkan di multi event bergengsi di kawasan Asia Tenggara, akan memulai pemusatan latihan di Uruguay pada awal Maret nanti.

Dipilihnya Uruguay sebagai tempat menggelar pemusatan latihan masih kata Rahim, agar Cesar bisa sekaligus menjalankan tugasnya sebagai pelatih kepala SAD Indonesia yang nantinya akan dibantu dua orang asisten. Masing-masing untuk tim SAD dan timnas SEA Games.

"Cesar tetap akan menjadi pelatih kepala untuk tim SAD. Nantinya, dia akan dibantu dua asisten yang bertugas di masing-masing tim. Siapa saja dua asisten itu, kami belum menetapkannya. Biar Cesar sendiri yang memilih," katanya.

Ditambahkannya, saat ini pihaknya telah mengantongi 22 pemain yang akan diboyong ke Uruguay. Di mana pemain-pemain itu diambil dari beberapa tim yang tampil di Superliga dan divisi utama, termasuk Jajang Mulyana yang saat ini merumput di Liga Brasil.

Ditanya apakah ada pemain dari tim SAD yang akan mengikuti pelatnas tersebut, Rahim menyatakan jika itu semua sepenuhnya urusan Cesar sebagai penanggung jawab teknik. Tapi jika memang ada yang dipanggil imbuhnya, BTN tidak akan ikut campur.

Yuslan Kisra (

Indonesia Diantara 13 Negara Kandidat

Ke-13 negara tersebut menyampaikan keinginannya sebelum deadline 16 Februari yang ditetapkan FIFA.

Dari 13 negara tersebut, hanya 11 proposal yang diajukan mengingat empat negara di antaranya, masing-masing, maju dengan berpasangan, yaitu Belgia-Belanda dan Spanyol-Portugal.

Dari 13 negara itu juga, dua di antaranya hanya menyatakan kesiapannya untuk menghelat Piala Dunia 2022, yaitu Korea Selatan dan Qatar. Sementara 11 negara lainnya, termasuk Indonesia, mengajukan diri untuk dua perhelatan.

Indonesia juga akan bersaing dengan Inggris, Australia, Jepang, Meksiko, Rusia dan Amerika Serikat.

"Kami sangat senang dengan level ketertarikan dari kompetisi ini, dengan semua negara menyatakan diri sebagai kandidat," ujar Sepp Blatter seperti dilansir Sky Sports.

"Keberagaman dan kualitas dari masing-masing peserta bakal membuat proses pemilihan akan menjadi semakin menarik."

"Hal ini juga menunjukkan betapa pentingnya Piala Dunia FIFA sebagai sebenar-benarnya event dan kekuatan global dari kompetisi ini untuk membantu perubahan positif, seperi halnya misi kami: For the Game, For the World."

Adapun langkah berikutnya dalam proses ini akan dilakukan di bulan April, ketika Kesepakatan Tawar-menawar akan dikirimkan kepada ke-13 negara yang sudah menyatakan ketertarikan mereka menghelat Piala Dunia. Kemudian semuanya itu dikembalikan kepada FIFA pada 11 Desember 2009 agar bisa diambil keputusan final.

Mohamad Yanuar (

Indonesia Bidding for 2018 & 2022 World Cup

As time to submit a bid to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cup runs out, Indonesia has launched a shocking bid to be the host of either the 2018 or 2022 Football World Cup.

All prospective hosts for both the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup events must declare their intentions by February 2nd. With the deadline fast approaching the Football Association of Indonesia have launched a shocking bid to host one of the two tournaments. Indonesia is far from a superpower in the world of football; in fact their national team is currently ranked at 144 in the world.

Nevertheless, in 1938, under its colonial guise of the Dutch East Indies they became the first Asian nation to participate in the World Cup finals. The Dutch East Indies stay in France for the 1938 World Cup was short lived. They fell in the first round to Hungary, who eventually went on to finish second. Since 1938, neither the Dutch East Indies nor Indonesia has managed to qualify for the World Cup finals.

In 2007 Indonesia was one of the four co-hosts of the Asian Cup, along with Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. In October 2008 Indonesia hosted her second multi-sports event, having previously held the 1962 Asian Games in the country’s capital, Jakarta.


Why Indonesia?

Knowing inferiority suffered by Indonesian national football team in international levels,it is not surprising that many people underrate the country's bid for such big event as World Cup. Then why the idea is encouraged? I have fundamental reasons. First, FIFA always have developments in minds. As a developing country, Indonesia is the right place for the Organization to cooperate with. FIFA have lauched so called "Children Village". Indonesia consists of millions of people where the children are plenty in numbers. They need active collaborations in order to properly developed. On the other hands, by incorporating Indonesia into active involvements of the FIFA's programs, the Organization will get more advantages.Second, Indonesia is where the people are enthusiastic in football. Despite pencak silat and badminton as the leading events, football undoubtedly has become the country's "sweetheart". There will be many people to visit the stadiums where the matches play, like there will be thousands of them waiting in line for the tickets. Third, when global warming is a pilot campaign for future events, the country may acommodate and facilitate it. Indonesia has the biggest rainforest in the world. It is not only a campaign on a paper, but further, it may become real like a crystal. Fourth, Indonesia lies fairly in the middle that splits between two hemisphere (North and South). Accordingly, the weather must be perfect (not too cold, not too hot) when the summer comes to the one hemisphere and the winter comes to the other.

Vote us, and the show must be greater than ever!

By: sww,01

Bid for the future world

Good news

Indonesia join World Cup fray

JAKARTA: Indonesia has expressed its intention to bid for the 2022 World Cup hosting rights, according to a report on the website of the official Indonesian news agency Antara.

Indonesia join the likes of Japan, Qatar, England, Russia, Spain-Portugal, and The Netherlands-Belgium(both joint bids) for officially confirming their intention to host either the 2018 or 2022 event.

“This seems like only a dream for us now, but we must dare to dream big. Otherwise we would realize nothing," Indonesian Football Federation (PSSI) general secretary Nugroho Besoes said.

“This is part of the PSSI’s long-term planning (to host the World Cup).”

"Football is the most popular event in Indonesia, where its television rating beats everything else," added Besoes.

One of the FIFA requirements is that potential hosts should be capable of providing around 12 stadiums each holding at least 40,000 fans.

“Ten years are enough for us to build, renovate or expand our stadiums to meet the requirement,” Besoes said.

Indonesia successfully hosted the group stage and final of the AFC Asian Cup in 2007 at the Gelora Bung Karno, an 80,000-seater.

Source:, January 29th, 2009

Kiprah Timnas Indonesia 1938

Apakah Indonesia pernah berlaga di Piala Dunia? demikian pertanyaan dari sebagian kalangan

dari data resmi FIFA, Indonesia memang pernah berlaga di Piala Dunia, tepatnya 1938 di Prancis, pada masa itu Indonesia masih dibawah wilayah pendudukan Belanda, atau yang lebih di kenal Ducth east Indies, dan merupakan tim pertama dari kawasan benua Asia yang berlaga di worldcup

Meskipun akhirnya timnas di masa itu dikalahkan oleh Hungaria yang kemudian menjadi finalis dengan skor 0-6, kiprah tersebut tercatat di dalam tinta emas sejarah PSSI dan AFC

squad pada masa itu adalah
Mo Heng TAN (GK), Achmad NAWIR, hong Djien TAN,Frans MEENG,Tjaak PATTIWAEL, Hans TAIHUTTU, Suvarte SOEDERMADJI, Anwar SUTAN, Henk ZOMERS, Frans HUKON, Jack SAMUELS



apabila kita melihat skuad diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa timnas merupakan representasi banyak suku dan golongan di indonesia termasuk thionghoa, dan Belanda sendiri,

keikutsertaan Dutch east indies bukan semata undangan, namun melului pra kualifikasi, menghadapi Jepang, namun karena situasi sosial dan keamanan pada masa itu, jepang menungundurkan diri

dan prestasi Dutch east Indies sebelum 1938 menurut berbagai catatan cukup di segani, bahkan china, australia pernah mengadakan ujicoba dengan timnas pada masa itu, bahkan salah satu koran australia mengabarkan bahwa di wilayah Jawa khususnya sepakbola merupakan Olahraga terpopuler di masa itu

adalah tidak berlebihan apabila PSSI didirikan 1930 atas jasa dari Ir Soeratin,jauh sebelum Indonesia merdeka, dan bahkan merupakan salah satu organisasi yang pertama menggunakan nama Indonesia, sebagai wadah persatuan klub-klub yang pada masa tersebut banyak tersebar di seluruh tanah air , dan sekaligus sebagai sarana perjuangan dan pergerakan bangsa dalam menghadapi penjajahan Belanda

sehingga hendaknya kita tidak boleh merasa Inferior, sepakbola mempunyai sejarah panjang bagi bangsa indonesia,dan kita pernah disegani setidaknya di tahun 1930an hingga 1970-an, dan kita mungkin rindu akan hal itu.........:)

statistik gedhe...:P

1. Sutan Anwar Dutch East Indies 1100000000
2. Beuzekom Dutch East Indies 1001000000
3. Tan Djien Dutch East Indies 1100000000
4. Faulhaber Dutch East Indies 1001000000
5. Hartung Dutch East Indies 1001000000
6. Frederik Hukom Dutch East Indies 1100000000
7. Kolle Dutch East Indies 1001000000
8. Frans Meeng Dutch East Indies 1100000000
9. Bing Mo Heng Dutch East Indies 1001000000
10. Tan Mo Heng Dutch East Indies 1100000000
11. Nawir Dutch East Indies 1100000000
12. Tjaak Pattiwael Dutch East Indies 1100000000
13. Jack Sanniels Dutch East Indies 1100000000
14. Tan Se Han Dutch East Indies 1001000000
15. Suvarte Soedermadji Dutch East Indies 1100000000
16. Henk Sommers Dutch East Indies 1100000000
17. Hans Taihuttu Dutch East Indies 1100000000
18. Telwe Dutch East Indies 1001000000
19. Van Den Burg Dutch East Indies 1001000000

WCP World Cup Participations
Games Played
S Subbed
US Unused Sub
GS Goals Scored
PK Goals From Penaly Kick
OG Own Goals
GG Golden Goals
C Cautions
EX Expulsions



Indonesia berpeluang untuk menjadi tuan rumah piala dunia 2022, karena Indonesia memberikan Value Added berupa Bundling isu global saat ini Save The Planet, sebagaimana di ketahui saat ini masyarakat global di hadapkan kepada 3 krisis besar: krisis energi, krisis pangan dan Global Warming, dan Indonesia menawarkan penyelanggaran piala dunia yang dipadukan dengan program save the planet, hal ini tidak dilakukan oleh konstentan lain yang lebih mengunggulkan prestasi timnas,dan infrastuktur, padahal apabila di pilih secara otomatis negara yang menjadi tuan rumah akan membangun infrastruktur dan timnas yang solid juga

perpaduan penyelenggaran piala dunia dengan program penyelamatan lingkungan bukan hal yang tidak mungkin bagi Indonesia, karena Indonesia merupakan paru-paru dunia, dan tanggung jawab atas hal tersebut bukan hanya milik indonesia tapi seluruh bangsa di dunia,

sebagaimana di ketahui sepakbola dan piala dunia menyedot perhatian lebih dari 2 M penduduk dunia sehingga harapanya apabila diselenggarakan di Indonesia masyakarakat dunia akan menikmati laga seru piala dunia dan sekaligus mempunyai kesadaran akan krisis yang mengacam planet bumi saat ini

Apabila kita menghitung peluang dibanding negara-negara lainnya, Indonesia cukup berpeluang sebagai contoh piala dunia 2018 kemungkinan besar di Inggris, dan 2022 apabila menggunakan azas pemerataan kontinental maka Spanyol, portugal, Belanda/Belgia,Rusia tentunya peluangnya akan semakin mengecil meskipun seseungguhnya setelah tahun 2010, kebijakan tersebut telah di anulir oleh FIFA,

sehingga peluang terbesar di ASIA,karena benua Amerika tleh dipilih untuk menyelenggarakan piala dunia 2014 di Brasil, kompetitor di ASIA tinggal Jepang, Korea, Qatar dan Australia, Informasi terakhir china menggundurkan diri dari pencalonan

Jepang dan Korea telah menyelenggarakan piala dunia 2002 sebagai tuan rumah bersama, Qatar meskipun mempunyai GDP yang besar, namun jumlah rakyatnya sedikit dan geografisnya juga kecil dan juga faktor iklim cuaca yang panas, sehingga saingan terberatnya hanya Australia

dan Indonesia serta Australia sama-sama mempunyai sejarah panjang sepak bola semenjak tahun 1900 an,namun demikian Indonesia mempunyai tawaran menarik berupa program Save the Planet, di samping tentunya antusiasme publik dan segenap elemen di Indonesia yang telah ditunjukan pada Piala Asia 2007 kemaren,

sehingga apabila di Piala Dunia di selenggarakan di Indonesia selain marketable, karena populasi penduduk Indonesia yang besar dan juga akan membawa impact yang luar biasa bagi masyarakat dunia khususnya dunia ketiga dan tuntunya juga kesaran untuk menjaga planet bumi ini dari kehancurannya

so, marilah dukung Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah Piala dunia 2022...

Japan's Best Shot 2022 World Cup

Japan resumes its campaign for a place at the 2010 World Cup this month against Australia, but the nation's power brokers are already setting their sights on a more distant — and potentially more rewarding — edition of the tournament.

On Monday, FIFA will open letters of intent sent by countries hoping to stage the 2018 or 2022 World Cups, beginning a bidding process that will be resolved in December 2010. Among those sent to the world governing body's headquarters in Switzerland will be one from Japan.

And it will certainly have company. No fewer than 11 bids are expected from countries as varied as Russia, the United States, Australia, Qatar and Indonesia, marking the first time interested parties have been invited to apply for two tournaments at the same time.

Although each country is putting its name forward for either event, in reality most, including Japan, are looking to 2022. With the tournament taking place in South Africa in 2010 and Brazil in 2014, logic dictates that 2018 is bound for Europe.

The interests of soccer's biggest TV market speak louder than most, and a gap of 16 years between European World Cups would be unthinkable. 2018 is England's to lose.

That would eliminate Russia, Spain/Portugal and Belgium/the Netherlands from the 2022 picture, but Japan would still have to overcome several obstacles before it could rightly claim to be the favorite.

First there is the fact that a Japanese bid is conditional to Tokyo winning the 2016 Olympics.

One of FIFA's new requirements for World Cup host nations is an 80,000-capacity stadium, and with Yokohama International Stadium currently the country's biggest with just under 70,000 seats, it would take a newly built Olympic stadium to fulfill that demand.

The Olympic decision will be made on Oct. 2 this year, but how much impact the world's highest-profile figure — U.S. President Barack Obama — throwing his weight behind Chicago's bid has remains to be seen.

Another impediment could be the fact that Japan cohosted the World Cup with South Korea as recently as 2002.

Half a World Cup it may have been, but it is still fresher in the memory than tournaments staged by other hosts eager for more, most notably the U.S.

But perhaps Japan's biggest challenge comes with the strength of its regional rivals. Australia, long accustomed to organizing top-class sporting events, including a superb Sydney Olympics in 2000, could be just what FIFA is looking for.

China has also thrown its hat into the ring, and although the decrepit state of the game there hardly deserves the prize of the World Cup, FIFA may see the opportunity to kick-start interest and spread the gospel in the world's most populous nation.

But not everything is stacked against Japan's bid.

As the logistic burden of staging the event grows with each tournament, so the number of hosts capable of meeting the task is reduced.

The global recession drives the point home further, and after the hassle of whipping South Africa into shape for 2010 — and the undoubted problems facing Brazil in 2014 — FIFA is likely to choose a country where the necessary infrastructure, organizational knowhow and assurances of safety are already in place.

Viewed in this way, Japan's bid certainly has its merits. But one look back at the selection process that resulted in cohosting in 2002 should be enough of a reminder that, until the final decision is made, anything can happen.


nominee host worldcup 2018/2022

Feb 2nd, 2009 was the deadline for World Cup 2018 & 2022 hosting bids.And the 11 submitted bids,

Belgium & Netherlands
South Korea
Spain & Portugal

An expected bid from Egypt appears to have been lost in the post.

The big rule is that the same confederation can’t host both the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. So countries from the same continent are essentially bidding against each other. Here’s how it breaks down by confederation:

Australia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Qatar (that’s one keen confederation)
UEFA: Belgium & Netherlands, England, Russia, Spain & Portugal

My guess is that we’ll see England and Australia emerge as hosts, and beer companies everywhere will celebrate.

England’s bid is strengthened by Sepp Blatter not being too fond of joint bids (bad news for BelNeth and Sportugal), while Australia seems to be the most realistic bid from Asia (given that Japan & South Korea co-hosted the last but one World Cup, greedy).

Likewise, the USA hosted in ‘94 (not all that recent, but not all that long ago) and Mexico has already hosted two World Cups so might struggle to make a case for a third.

All eleven bids will be getting this lovely letter (warning: pdf) from Sepp Blatter, and then the process proceeds on this timetable:

Compliance with deadlines, ancillary documents, incorporated annexes… Who knew the world of football administration was so exciting? The deadline that really matters is December 2010, when the fate of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups will be decided.

Just for kicks, let’s try a mock vote ourselves. No ancillary documents required. Vote for any two of the following, making sure not to choose two from the same confederation, and we’ll see who gets to host our fantasy World Cup 2018 and 2022…


U.S. likely to host a World Cup in 2018 or 2022

Feb. 2, 2009, will own a historic place in U.S. soccer history. It's the date U.S. Soccer officials joined the race to host a World Cup tournament and officially announced their intention to pursue either the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.

Reliant Stadium in Houston is one of many modern facilities the U.S. can boast.
And they'll get one of them. Book it.

Want to know why? The answer is in the whir of construction cranes encircling suburban Dallas, where the Cowboys' new behemoth of a stadium is rising. And it's in the shadow of Giants Stadium, where yet another futuristic NFL stadium is going up. And it's in all the other fabulous, mammoth athletic facilities that dot the country.

The stadium outside Dallas will have the ability to accommodate perhaps 100,000 fans for special events. The $1.3 billion project in New Jersey will seat 82,500.

Beautiful, recently opened buildings in Philadelphia, Seattle, Denver, Houston and elsewhere also will brace the bid. These are grand in scale, monuments to the place where architecture, imagination and capitalism collide. No other country is so sophisticated in exploiting sales and sponsorship opportunities inside these modern arenas.

At some point, this bid process is all about the facilities. (Well, really, it's about money. Because finances are inextricably linked to facility size, by extension, these bids are about physical structures.) The United States enjoys a stadium situation unrivaled in the rest of the world, thanks mostly to the country's love of American football and need to stack the racks with money-waving fans.

More seats mean more money for FIFA. It's that simple.

Yes, there are nice (and nicely sized) venues scattered throughout the world. Some countries have a respectable volume of facilities with impressive capacities. England, probably the front-runner for the 2018 World Cup, can get into the conversation, at least. But even England can't come close to matching the glut of structural riches available to FIFA by awarding one of the future World Cups to the United States.

Consider this: A World Cup today could be scattered quite easily around a roster of fabulous stadiums that didn't even exist when the United States hosted World Cup 1994.

Let that sink in. That's how deep the selection of stadiums is here.

And, of course, venerable facilities such as the Rose Bowl, which hosted the 1994 final, remain in play. That one also holds 100,000-plus fans.

The 1994 World Cup smashed previous records for attendance; the 52-game tournament averaged 68,991 fans, a mark that still stands. The next one here will easily surpass that record.

The 2006 World Cup was a wonderfully well-received tournament, generally spilling out without a hitch and to everyone's pleasure. Germany is a modern country with several contemporary arenas. And yet, tournament organizers still needed to employ stadiums in Kaiserslautern, Nuremberg, Leipzig, Hanover and Cologne, all of which hold 46,000 spectators or fewer. There probably won't be a single bid from a stadium in the U.S. with a capacity so small. Everybody loves all those swell U.S. soccer-specific stadiums that have done so much for the game in our country, but you don't send a boy to do a man's job, so to speak.

There's also a matter of sponsorship. Here, too, FIFA has reason to purr over prospects of a second World Cup in the United States.

"From a sponsorship perspective, the two countries that advertisers currently covet most are the United States and China, and this will probably continue to be the case in 2018 and beyond," said John Alper, vice president of Premier Partnerships, a national sales and marketing firm specializing in revenue generation for facilities, events and properties. "Obviously, FIFA considers a variety of factors for this decision. However, from a sponsorship perspective, having the USA as the host nation is definitely a plus."

And by "definitely a plus," he means more cash for the FIFA kitty. Ka-ching!

The 1994 World Cup was a rousing success, at least in terms of attendance and revenue. And soccer's profile has risen substantially in the United States in the 15 years since. That means hosting a World Cup in 2018 or 2022 would be a colossus.

The World Cup in Germany averaged 52,491 spectators per contest. Given the scale of the new facilities available to the U.S.' bid, the average crowd for a World Cup in the United States could climb to 75,000. That's an extra 22,000-plus fans for 64 matches. With an average ticket price of $140 or so (the World Cup in South Africa next year will charge an average of $139, so that is a very conservative estimate), that's an additional $197 million just in ticket revenue.

And don't forget that every person who passes through a turnstile is a candidate to buy T-shirts, hats, silly foam fingers and such. The way a typical stadium deal works, the facility keeps parking and most concession revenues. But all the merchandise money goes to the event organizers, which in this case is FIFA. So the extra 22,000 or so per match adds up further considering the multiplier, whatever that is. Let's say the foam-finger factor is $10 per customer. The extra 22,000 customers can potentially generate up to an additional $220,000 per match, or an additional $14 million for the tournament.

As they say: Pretty soon, you're talking about real money.

These are very basic formulas. The actual accounting will be far more complex, of course. But you get the point. Suffice to say, if FIFA can pour more customers into stadiums during the monthlong tournament, the financial payload will expand significantly.

There could be one potential road hump. Each of these grand, new U.S. facilities comes with a lucrative naming-rights deal already in place. And that's not part of FIFA's financial template. Because world soccer's governing body doesn't already have its hand in that pie, it demands a blank slate in terms of venue sponsorship, and that includes naming rights. That's why the AOL Arena in Hamburg became, officially speaking, the World Cup Stadium in Hamburg for 2006.

Will this pose an issue? Not likely, Alper said. First, FIFA is such a global heavyweight that it can demand a blank slate. Most existing stadium contracts have clauses that cover opportunities to host extraordinary events. Plus, Alper says a FedEx or an AT&T or whatever corporate sponsor won't jeopardize important relationships and risk a firestorm of bad publicity by saying no to a chance to host World Cup games.

One more thing: Facilities in other countries, nice as some are, aren't designed with luxury boxes in mind. Not to the extent U.S. stadiums are, at least. Those opportunities for premium sales generate good money, too. Ka-ching, again.

Money talks. FIFA listens. Another World Cup is headed to the United States in your lifetime, and Feb. 2 is the day it all officially started.

Other countries that have expressed interest in bidding for either the 2018 and 2022 World Cup:

Australia: Officials there hope FIFA's desire to grow the game in Asia and the Pacific Rim can enhance the chances. Although Australia has hosted other major events (such as the 2000 Olympics in Sydney), the odds here appear long.

England: The country's effort received a significant boost when FIFA rulers shot down the notion of joint bids. So the Spain-Portugal effort and a bid from the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) went kaput before they even got started. Thus, England is the clear front-runner if FIFA is to return the tournament to Europe.

Indonesia: The world's fourth-most-populated country (237 million) has seen its economy and political scene stabilize significantly since the turbulent 1960s. Although Indonesia might be considered a strong national team in southeast Asia, its relative weakness in the world soccer structure is a detriment.

Japan: Japan has the stadiums, the infrastructure and organizational might to pull it off, but proximity to the 2002 World Cup (which the Japanese co-hosted with Korea) hurts.

Mexico: Several new stadiums are going up in Mexico. But the U.S. neighbor would become the first country to host three World Cups, a factor that probably will work against it.

Qatar: The oil-rich Arab emirate has the world's highest GDP per capita, according to some estimates. Although money isn't an issue, physical size could be. Qatar occupies only about 4,400 square miles, roughly the size of Pennsylvania.

Russia: Talk of a bid from the world's largest nation (by area) sounded much better a year ago, before falling oil prices and ongoing crisis in the Russian financial markets crunched the nation's economy.

by Steve Davis, ESPNsoccernet

Best chance for U.S. to host World Cup is 2022

2:00 a.m. February 4, 2009

FIFA will name hosts for both the 2018 and 2022 World Cups of soccer when its executive committee convenes in December 2010. The United States and Mexico joined 11 other countries that formally filed their intentions by Monday's deadline, either as single or joint bids.

Here are some questions and, hopefully, answers about the process, politics and prospects in what figures to be a spirited battle for 2018 and 2022.

Will the U.S. get one?

The best answer lies somewhere between probably and definitely, although 2022 is a far better bet than 2018.

Europe has hosted 10 of the 18 World Cups and has never gone more than eight years without one. With 2010 in South Africa and 2014 in Brazil, that would be 12 years. And with eight of the 24 members of the FIFA's executive committee being European, it's easy to predict they won't let it lapse to 16 years by sending 2018 elsewhere.

That would leave the United States, which hosted in 1994, and Mexico of the CONCACAF region to battle five candidates from the Asian confederation for 2022: Australia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea and Qatar.

Japan and South Korea co-hosted to lukewarm reviews in 2002; Indonesia has played in one World Cup, and that was in 1938 as the Dutch East Indies; the average high temperature in Qatar in June is 108 degrees; and Australia, with a population of 21 million, may not carry enough marketing oompf and would be a second straight Commonwealth nation to host if England gets 2018.

The best news for the Americans is who didn't bid: China. FIFA might not be able to resist the marketing potential of 1.2 billion people.

There also is the South Africa factor. The vote for 2018 and 2022 comes a few months after South Africa hosts a World Cup in a country mired with infrastructure, transportation, security and other logistical issues. And with 2014 heading to a nation (Brazil) facing similar organizational obstacles, you'd think the executive committee will steer toward safe harbors.

So who gets 2018?

England is considered the front-runner, at least by the English media, but don't underestimate the anti-Brit sentiment that pervades across the continent. There are joint bids from Spain/Portugal and the Netherlands/Belgium as well a stand-alone entry from Russia, all with their own positives.

Blatter and FIFA keep flip-flopping their position on joint bids, first welcoming them and more recently saying they will be considered only if there is no suitable single-nation candidate. That could torpedo Belgium and the Netherlands, which can't go it alone, or force Spain to drop Portugal.

Another variable is the 2009 vote for the host of the 2016 Summer Olympics. If Madrid wins, that could further derail a solid Spanish World Cup bid many insiders predict would rally Continental Europe against England.

And don't count out Russia, which has ever-increasing amounts of money and international influence. Europe's largest country has never hosted a World Cup or European Championships.

Is Mexico a factor?

Short answer: No.

Mexico already has hosted two World Cups, in 1970 and as an emergency replacement for Colombia in 1986, but its last-minute entry was a bit of a surprise. Monday's deadline was merely an “expression of interest,” and Mexico could be gone when the detailed bid packets with stadium and infrastructure plans are due in mid-2010.

“If we were today to catalog the top 50 stadiums in North America,” U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati said on a media teleconference Monday, “I'm going to leave it (to) everyone on the call to decide how many of those are in the United States. I'd say it's the majority, the very strong majority.”

Gulati also is a smart and well-connected man. You think he's aimlessly tossing out a U.S. World Cup bid without the backroom support of the three FIFA executive members from the CONCACAF region?

“We have bid. Mexico has bid,” Gulati said. “We'll see how that goes over the next year or two . . . We'll leave it to them to see how far they want to take that. I'm quite sure before any final vote would be taken, CONCACAF would be unified behind a single country.”

Would San Diego get any games?

As things stand now, probably not.

Gulati said 35 potential venues could be named in a U.S. bid and that would be whittled down to a dozen or so finalists only after being named World Cup host. Gulati also noted 10 NFL stadiums have been built in the past eight years alone, including several with retractable domes in warm-weather summer climates, meaning there's no need to play in aging, rundown facilities.

And imagine what Qualcomm Stadium will look like in 2022, if indeed it exists at all.

Now, if a new Chargers stadium were to be built . .

Is there an X factor?

There always is with FIFA, and even more so when just 24 people vote. All you need is 13 votes, and if the history of international sport is a guide, that sometimes is not accomplished with the utmost of integrity.

Assuming it is, though, the U.S. bid got a huge boost in November with the election of President Barack Obama – not because he's any sort of rabid soccer fan but in terms of an instantly improved image of America abroad.

“For those of us who travel around the world quite a bit,” Gulati said of Obama's election, “that (change) is noticeable, it's audible and it's visible.”

By Mark Zeigler
Union-Tribune Staff Writer

Indonesia to improve infrastructure for 2022 World Cup bid

Indonesia plans to upgrade the infrastructure throughout the country in an attempt to boost its chance of winning the 2022 World Cup, an official said on Tuesday.

"The three well prepared cities include Jakarta, Samarinda and Palembang, all of which have good infrastructure for world level sports event," said the Indonesian Sports and Youth Ministry expert staff Johar Arifin.

"We are still preparing another 11 cities for the possible 2022World Cup in Indonesia," he added.

He said that the FIFA requires 10 cities with good infrastructure for bidding countries to host the 2022 World Cup, and Indonesia would have 14 prepared.

The Minister of Youth and Sports Adhyaksa Dault was quoted by a local news paper named Indonesia GuoJi Ribao on Tuesday as saying that Indonesia will build stadiums in 10 cities, including Bogor, Bandung, Pekanbaru and Bali to bid for the premier soccer event.

Some of these new stadiums, according to Arifin, will be put into operation for the Southeast Asian Games in 2011 and the World Islamic Games in 2013.

Source: Xinhua

indonesia host piala dunia 2022, why not...?


Impian indonesia ke pentas dunia bukan mustahil, seandainya Indonesia di pilih menjadi Host iala Dunia 2022, bagi sebagian masyarakat ragu akan keberanian PSSI mengajukan diri menjadi salah satu Host event sepakbola terakbar di dunia ini,hal ini didasarkan pada prestasi timnas yang masih belum memuaskan, organisasi yang carut marut, tingkat perekenomian indonesia yang belum menggembirakan

Namun kenapa kita harus pesimis, Indonesia perlu Hal Semacam ini, untuk memastikan terjadinya peningkatan perekonomian dan prestasi timnas sekaligus apabila di renungkan,seandainya indonesia terpilih misalnya mengandung konsekuensi untuk membangun venues-venues yang bertaraf internasional, Membangun sarana prasarana pendukung seperti telekomunikasi, transpotassi, akomadasi dsb, dan juga membangun Timnas yang solid dan membanggakan

sehingga kita bisa membanyangkan di tahun 2022 nanti, kita mempunyai fasilitas venues bertaraf internasional yang tersebar di Indonesia, Infrastruktur modern, dan Prestasi Timnas yang tentunya membanggakan, hal ini tercapai apabila waktu selama 12 tahun digunakan untuk membangun kesemuanya itu secara sinergis dengan program pembangunan nasional yang terencana dan termonitor dengan baik tidak hanya oleh pemerintah,masyarakat namun juga FIFA

sehingga hal tersebut tentunya akan bermanfaat bagi peningkatan perekonomian, baik melalui investasi langsung, terbukanya lowongan pekerjaan, dan parawisata dsb sehingga akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, serta juga dapat meningkatkan citra bangsa Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang besar dan bermartabat di kancah internasional untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut tentunya seluruh elemen bangsa harus mendukungnyasemoga impian tersebut dapat menjadi kenyataan, amiin.

Bravo Indonesia for FIFA World Cup 2022. * go green world cup 2022*

by : ilwn:02